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Renee D.
- 03:11 pm Pacific Time - Jan 28, 1999
Gently hacking off the hinges.... We love our dogs, they are members of the family. They eat our food, sleep on our bed, watch TV with us....and chew, and bark, and dig, mess in the house, etc, etc. We love our dogs, but sometimes, well...they just drive us crazy. This area is to discuss problems we are having with our dogs, possible solutions, and general bragging.
Anne V
- 02:01 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1318 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks Okay - I know how to take meat away from a dog. How do I take a dog away from meat? This is not, unfortunately, a joke.
- 02:02 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1319 of 7931
I met Jim Allenspach through Table Talk in 1999, and we got married 5/18/02. Table Talk changed my life. Adios. (now AmyC at DWS) Um, can you give us a few more specifics here?
Anne V
- 02:12 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1320 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks They're inside of it. They crawled inside, and now I have a giant incredibly heavy piece of carcass in my yard, with 2 dogs inside of it, and they are NOT getting bored of it and coming out. One of them is snoring. I have company arriving in three hours, and my current plan is to 1. put up a tent over said carcass and 2. hang thousands of fly strips inside it. This has been going on since about 6:40 this morning.
- 02:19 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1321 of 7931
I met Jim Allenspach through Table Talk in 1999, and we got married 5/18/02. Table Talk changed my life. Adios. (now AmyC at DWS) Oh. My. God. What sort of carcass is big enough to hold a couple of dogs inside? Given the situation, I'm afraid you're not going to be create enough of a diversion to get the dogs out of the carrion, unless they like greeting company as much as they like rolling around in dead stuff. Which seems unlikely. Can you turn a hose on the festivities?
Ase Innes-Ker
- 02:31 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1322 of 7931
"Cold, Cold, Empty Void", "Grandma's Food for Worms now". Atheist hymns, by Jamie R. I'm sorry Anne. I know this is a problem (and it would have driven me crazy), but it is also incredibly funny.
Anne V
- 02:31 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1323 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks Elk. Elk are very big this year, because of the rain and good grazing and so forth. They aren't rolling. They are alternately napping and eating. They each have a ribcage. Other dogs are working on them from the outside. It's all way too primal in my yard right now. We tried the hose trick. At someone elses house, which is where they climbed in and began to refuse to come out. Many hours ago. I think that the hose mostly helps keep them cool and dislodges little moist snacks for them. hose failed. My new hope is that if they all continue to eat at this rate, they will be finished before the houseguests arrive. The very urban houseguests. <edit>Oh, ghod - I know it's funny. It's appalling, and funny, and completely entirely representative of life with dogs. </end edit>
Kristen R.
- 02:37 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1324 of 7931
My hair is naturally profane. I'm so glad I read this thread, dogless as I am. Dogs in elk. Dogs in elk. Jaysus.
Anne V
- 02:41 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1325 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks It's like that childrens book out there - dogs in elk, dogs on elk, dogs around elk, dogs outside elk. And there is some elk inside of, as well as on, each dog at this point.
- 02:49 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1326 of 7931
like a larger, broader cow with a fringed dust ruffle "dogs in elk, dogs on elk, dogs around elk, dogs outside elk" This is, possibly, the ultimate tagline.
Anne V
- 02:56 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1327 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks you may have it. Me, I have the dogs, and the elk. The tagline is available.
Elizabeth K
- 02:57 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1328 of 7931
I got the magic stick. Anne, aren't you in Arizona or Nevada? There are elk there? I'm so confused! We definately need to see pics of Gus Pong and Jake in the elk carcass.
Anne V
- 03:03 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1329 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks I am in New Mexico, but there are elk in both arizona and nevada, yes. There are elk all over the damn place. They don't look out very often. If you stand the ribcage on end they scramble to the top and look out, all red. Otherwise, you kinda have to get in there a little bit yourself to really see them. So I think there will not be pictures.
- 03:06 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1330 of 7931
like a larger, broader cow with a fringed dust ruffle "all red." I'm not sure the deeper horror of all this was fully borne in upon me till I saw that little phrase.
Anne V
- 03:10 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1331 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks Well, you know, the Basenji (that would be Jake) is a desert dog, naturally, and infamous for it's aversion to water. And then, Gus Pong (who is coming to us, live, unamplified and with a terrific reverb which is making me a little dizzy) really doesn't mind water, but hates to be cold. Or soapy. And both of them can really run. Sprints of up to 35 mph have been clocked. So. If ever they come out, catching them and returning them to a condition where they can be considered house pets is not going to be, shall we say, pleasant.
- 03:15 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1332 of 7931
like a larger, broader cow with a fringed dust ruffle What if you stand the ribcage on end, wait for them to look out, grab them when they do and pull?
Anne V
- 03:18 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1333 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks They wedge their toes between the ribs. And scream. We tried that before we brought the elk home from the mountain with dogs inside. Jake nearly took my friends arm off. He's already short a toe, so he cherishes the 15 that remain.
- 03:19 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1334 of 7931
like a larger, broader cow with a fringed dust ruffle Oy.
Anne V
- 03:23 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1335 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks vey iz mir
Linda Hewitt
- 03:30 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1336 of 7931
The GOP is the tax, BORROW, and spend party. It's plain and simple. The GOP is lying to the American people and is trying to spend more than their own rules allow!!!! Let's make it a Democratic clean sweep in 2000. Have you thought about calling your friendly vet and paying him to come pick up the dogs, elk and letting the dogs stay at the vets overnight. If anyone would know what to do, it would be your vet. It might cost some money, but it would solve the immediate crisis. Keep us posted.
- 03:37 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1337 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. Yikes! My sympathy! When I lived in New Mexico, my best friend's dog (the escape artist) was continually bringing home road kill. When there was no road kill convenient, he would visit the neighbor's house. Said neighbor slaughtered his own beef. The dog found all kinds of impossibly gross toys in the neighbor's trash pit. I have always had medium to large dogs. The smallest dog I ever had was a mutt from the SPCA who matured out at just above knee high and about 55 pounds. Our current dog (daughter's choice) is a Pomeranian. A very small Pomeranian. She's 8 months old now and not quite 4 pounds. I'm afraid I'll break her.
Lori Shiraishi
- 03:38 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1338 of 7931
Bet you could fit a whole lot of Pomeranians in that there elk carcass! Anne - my condolences on what must be a unbelievable situation!
Anne V
- 03:44 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1339 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks I did call my vet. He laughed until he was gagging and breathless. He says a lot of things, which can be summed as *what did you expect?* and *no, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a dog.* He is planning to stop over and take a look on his way home. Thanks, Lori. I am almost surrendered to the absurdity of it.
Lori Shiraishi
- 03:49 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1340 of 7931
> He is planning to stop over and take a look on his way home.So he can fall down laughing in person?
Anne V
- 03:50 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1341 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks Basically, yeah. That would be about it.
- 03:56 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1342 of 7931
I met Jim Allenspach through Table Talk in 1999, and we got married 5/18/02. Table Talk changed my life. Adios. (now AmyC at DWS) no, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a dog.Oh, sweet lord, Anne. You have my deepest sympathies in this, perhaps the most peculiar of the Gus Pong Adventures. You are truly a woman of superhuman patience. wait -- you carried the carcass down from the mountains with the dogs inside?
Anne V
- 03:59 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1343 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks the carcass down from the mountains with the dogs inside?no, well, sort of. My part in the whole thing was to get really stressed about a meeting that I had to go to, and say *yeah, ok, whatever* when it was suggested that the ribcages, since we couldn't get the dogs out of them and the dogs couldn't be left there, be brought to my house. Because, you know - I just thought they would get bored of it sooner or later. But it appears to be later, in the misty uncertain future, that they will get bored. Now, they are still interested. And very loud, one singing, one snoring.
Lori Shiraishi
- 04:04 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1344 of 7931
>And very loud, one singing, one I can't even begin to imagine the acoustics involved with singing from the inside of an elk.
Anne V
- 04:04 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1345 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks reverb. lots and lots of reverb.
- 04:09 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1346 of 7931
nothing good will come of a headful of acid in a bar full of clowns Stop! Please Stop! I almost peed laughing so hard. Reverb! *hawl* Oh my. I have these...images and now sounds that will haunt me for the rest of the day. And I will start giggling. and it will scare my cow-orkers.
Anne V
- 04:15 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1347 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks I'll tell you the thing that is causing me to lose it again and again, and then I have to go back outside and stay there for a while. After the meeting, I said to my (extraordinary) boss, *look, I've gotta go home for the rest of the day, I think. Jake and Gus Pong are inside some elk ribcages, and my dad is coming tonight, so I've got to get them out somehow.* And he said, pale and huge-eyed, *Annie, how did you explain the elk to the clients?* The poor, poor man thought I had the carcasses brought to work with me. For some reason, I find this deeply funny.
Linda Hewitt
- 04:16 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1348 of 7931
The GOP is the tax, BORROW, and spend party. It's plain and simple. The GOP is lying to the American people and is trying to spend more than their own rules allow!!!! Let's make it a Democratic clean sweep in 2000. Since no solution appears in sight. Why not get this moment preserved for prosterity by calling the TV stations. I bet they would love a human interest story like this. Having the TV stations there will also take the edge off of the situation with your urban company plus it will give you lots to talk ... laugh about. No worry. You and your guests are going to have a great time.
- 04:18 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1349 of 7931
I met Jim Allenspach through Table Talk in 1999, and we got married 5/18/02. Table Talk changed my life. Adios. (now AmyC at DWS) Oh, god. I can't breathe!
Kristen R.
- 04:19 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1350 of 7931
My hair is naturally profane. I know, Amy! I just printed this to show to my friends. Do you mind, Annie? WRZ - FILE SEPARATION MARKER
Grace Newton
- 04:44 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1351 of 7931
"To the uninitiated, the tea party crowd comes across like the barflies in "Star Wars". - Frank Rich, The New York Times Anne V, now that I've wiped the tears away and have my breath back, I hope you're still there. Have you tried pouring something harmless but doggie revolting over the elk habitat? Diluted pepper sauce maybe. BTW, the reason I'm posting on a thread I've never appeared in before, a link to your story was dropped at Rick's Bar in the Politics folder. If it's any consulation, you're famous!
- 04:46 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1352 of 7931
All clones must die . . . nine months after conception. I've got tears of laughter comin' out of my ol' eyes.
Berry Gold
- 04:51 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1353 of 7931
"There are No Coincidences in Life" Gur math a the`id leibh and Godspeed. hey...This could be a $10,000 kodak moment. Get a video cam and record the event then submit it to America`s Funniest Home Videos. Opportunity is a-knockin` here. <grin>
Abigail Quart
- 08:27 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1354 of 7931
"Tyranny begins when one power, one church, one party introduces itself into the private life of its citizens." - Jack Lang, former French minister of culture. I've emailed it to my future brother-in-law (maybe HE will be able to read it to my sister without laughing hysterically) and read it to my Mom (while laughing but she just made me start over).
Linda Hewitt
- 08:30 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1355 of 7931
The GOP is the tax, BORROW, and spend party. It's plain and simple. The GOP is lying to the American people and is trying to spend more than their own rules allow!!!! Let's make it a Democratic clean sweep in 2000. Annie, what the latest status on the dogs and the elk? Did you get your camcorder out to record it for all time?
Abigail Quart
- 08:44 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1356 of 7931
"Tyranny begins when one power, one church, one party introduces itself into the private life of its citizens." - Jack Lang, former French minister of culture. *no, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a dog.* As tagline potential goes, I feel the above has much to recommend it as a political metaphor.
Kali durga
- 10:25 pm Pacific Time - Sep 9, 1999 - #1357 of 7931
"The Bill of Rights was not a gift from that illustrious gaggle of rich merchants, land and currency speculators, and slaveholders known as our 'Founding Fathers.' It was a product of class struggle." HAR EHAWEROIUPSGN HAR HARR HARR HARR EEEEEEEAAA THIS is hysterical! elk ribs and doggies who can't be moved!!? I thought I was taking a break from the 'WACO' THREAD!!! BUT IT'S THE SAME DAMN STORY in metaphor!!!!! eeeeeeeYOWWWWWW red meat, can't let go...doggies in heat over a carcass...JESS like the Koresh crew RENO, CLINTON, RENO RENO RENO ELK ELK ELK DOGGIES AFTER RENO ELK. De (kali) THANX y'all and good luck with the doggies n elk. and i do mean 'N'
- 04:50 am Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1358 of 7931
Anne V, thank you, thank you for the absolute, without a doubt best laugh of the week. I nearly peed in my pants reading about the dog/elk situation, and I must say you are keeping a remarkably cool head about everything. Update us, please!
- 06:22 am Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1359 of 7931
I met Jim Allenspach through Table Talk in 1999, and we got married 5/18/02. Table Talk changed my life. Adios. (now AmyC at DWS) How are you holding up this morning, Anne? I hope the dogs weren't out on the carcass all night, snoring and singing and whooping it up like sailors on leave.
- 07:39 am Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1360 of 7931
like a larger, broader cow with a fringed dust ruffle Anne might not be around today. Which sucks - I *need* to know the end of this story.
- 07:50 am Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1361 of 7931
Staying. I would think the dogs are being bathed and the carnage in the yard is being cleaned up so as to keep preditors away, like mountain lions and bear; if she lives "out"
- 08:07 am Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1362 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. OK, I'll just join the lot of you and wait until she has the time to relate... ... the rest of the story. (I really must learn to resist these impulses)
Jill F.
- 11:35 am Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1363 of 7931
Oh, I am crying laughing. I didn't think she could top the Indian food story.
- 11:43 am Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1364 of 7931
like a larger, broader cow with a fringed dust ruffle Never underestimate the potential of a household containing Gus Pong. This last day and a half, I have begun to accost people in the office corridor, like the Ancient Mariner, in order that I may have the pleasure of relating his exploits. I tell the tale to people who are not even dog people and who merely look at me strangely and back away. I will say that listening to Annie makes my own houseful of dogs look like a Paradise of peace and civilization by comparison ... which is lucky for Tanya the Spazzed-Out Doberman in particular or I might've killed her by now <g>. Her quirks -- such as her deep and abiding phobia regarding doors -- now seem positively benign.
marcia watson
- 11:50 am Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1365 of 7931
The suspense is killing me. You don't suppose that the dogs have dragged her into the carcass and are holding her hostage?
- 11:57 am Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1366 of 7931
like a larger, broader cow with a fringed dust ruffle She said something about a long weekend off for Rosh Hashanah, so we may just have to sit tight till Monday. Worse for me as I'm on the East Coast and have to wait till well into my day before I can expect the latest :-)
Grace Newton
- 12:04 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1367 of 7931
"To the uninitiated, the tea party crowd comes across like the barflies in "Star Wars". - Frank Rich, The New York Times I deeply regret I'm not a cartoonist. The images conjured by posts to this thread over the past two days cry out to be immortalized. Elk drunk dogs carousing atop rib cages, whooo. Got to stop, my family thinks I've lost it as it is.
Jill F.
- 12:05 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1368 of 7931
I have just spent the last hour looking at a pitbull rescue Web site. Argh! my heart is breaking. What is WRONG with people? Maybe you check with the landlord BEFORE you get a dog, nimrod? Thank you. Had to get that off my chest.
- 12:31 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1369 of 7931
like a larger, broader cow with a fringed dust ruffle When did "nimrod" become an insult? I thougt Nimrod was a mighty hunter. Jill, what site?
Jill F.
- 02:00 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1370 of 7931
it was this site. I've been calling people nimrods for years. I thought it meant "dim bulb" or something to that effect. But you are right, there was a god Nimrod... hmmm, note to self: check in dictionary....
- 02:03 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1371 of 7931
like a larger, broader cow with a fringed dust ruffle Well, it does *sound* right for an insult, I must admit.
- 02:39 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1372 of 7931
I always thought "nimrod" was how you said "dipshit" in polite company.
- 03:02 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1373 of 7931
I met Jim Allenspach through Table Talk in 1999, and we got married 5/18/02. Table Talk changed my life. Adios. (now AmyC at DWS) Well, Dipshit was also a god.
Kristen R.
- 03:13 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1374 of 7931
My hair is naturally profane. Well, Dipshit was also a god.Oh, I know him! He posts here. Nimrod built the tower of Babel. God smote him. That's all. No dogs, No elk.
Lori Shiraishi
- 03:16 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1375 of 7931
Well, THAT'S not a very amusing story. ;) I'm in Annie-story-withdrawal....
- 03:25 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1376 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. chuckle As I mentioned before, our current Pomeranian pup (8 months old this week) is our first small dog. I grew up with hunting dogs as my father believed a dog should "earn it's keep". When I was married, my husband wanted an imported German Shepherd after we lived in Germany for 2 years. So we had a Shutzhund bred Shepherd and a big mutt I got from the pound. I grew up helping my Dad obedience train the hunting dogs, so it was my job to train the dogs we had when I was married. We went to a private breeder, but they weren't professional breeders. It was an older couple who had a male and female as house pets and decided to breed them. Well, they probably weren't top quality dogs, but they were both friendly, well-behaved, well-trained, healthy and polite. So we took a pup home. Anyway, I had no idea what to expect from this dog as I was completely unfamiliar with the breed. It's pretty obvious that Rose (hey, my daughter named her) is pretty darn perfect as a companian/pet. My daughter has done all the training and care as Rose is HER dog. Rose is cute as the dickens and has been VERY easy to train. She is unfailingly cheerful, gets along with everyone and everything, is happy to play, happy to cuddle, and happy to just lie at our feet. (but I'm still afraid I'll break her)
- 03:31 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1377 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. However, (knew that was coming, didn't you) Rose has one annoying vice. Rose likes paper. To eat, that is. Any piece of paper that is left within her reach gets chewed, scattered, then eaten (unless she's caught before that stage). If there is no paper carelessly left lying around, Rose will go to the trash can, dump it, and hunt. She will bypass food in the trash can in favor of paper. When I got lidded trash cans, Rose resorted to kleenix to feed her habit. Yep, she climbed on the couch, went over to the end table, pulled a single tissue from the box, and gaily trotted off with her prize. She looked very proud of herself, too. It was really hard to punish her because I was laughing so hard.
- 03:40 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1378 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. We also have two cats, Cleo - an 11 lb calico, and her sister, Blacky - a 14 lb tuxedo cat. Blacky and Rose like to play. It usually starts when Blacky is majestically stalking across the living room. Rose will bounce sideways at Blacky. You know, the body-curved, ears-tucked, tail furiously wagging, invitation to play bounce. If Blacky's in the mood to play, she will bounce back at Rose once, then tear off for the other end of the house with Rose in Hot Pursuit. Almost immediately thereafter, they will race back to the living room, this time with Blacky chasing Rose. Rose will duck behind the recliner and Blacky will sit in the middle of the living room looking nonchalant until Rose bounces out from behind the recliner and the whole thing starts over again. When Blacky gets tired of the game, she simply jumps up onto the back of the couch and stretches out. Rose can get up there just fine, but apparently she recognises that this is the quit signal. I'm not sure what looks funnier - a cat chasing a dog, or a 3 lb dog chasing a 14 lb cat!
Linda Hewitt
- 04:04 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1380 of 7931
The GOP is the tax, BORROW, and spend party. It's plain and simple. The GOP is lying to the American people and is trying to spend more than their own rules allow!!!! Let's make it a Democratic clean sweep in 2000. Christi, Both of your cats are part Siamese. I had a calico, named Trouble and a full blood seal point Siamese, named Simon with a Keeshound dog, named Tubby. The Siamese cat and the dog used to love to place chase in the house and they too would take turns. When the Tubby was a puppy, he used to love to hold the Simon down and mouth him. Tubby would basically get Simon all wet. When Simon had had enought, he would just turnaround and look at Tubby and then wiggle out from under Tubby's leg. It was great fun to watch all of them. Simon was 12 1/2 lbs, Trouble was 9 lbs and Tubby was 45 lbs.
- 04:20 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1381 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. Linda - Could be, part Siamese, I mean. Their mother was marked like a Siamese, but none of the kittens were. They also do not have the Siamese distinctive body conformation, head shape, or meow. Our previous dog was acquired as a puppy from the SPCA when Cleo and Blacky were just a year old. Ursa Minor was part Keeshund, part god-knows-what who matured out at about knee-high and 40lbs with an orange coat like a Pom's. Ursa was the one who started the chase game with Blacky. Cleo's game was quite different. At the time we still had a pre-school chair I had gotten my daughter when she was small. Cleo had claimed it as her special chair. When Ursa was a small pup she got under the chair and started mouthing Cleo's tail as it hung over the edge. Amazingly enough, Cleo went along. She would get up and shift her position to hang her tail down in a different place and Ursa would chase it. They would keep this up for the longest time! All Cleo had to do was leave the chair and the game would stop. When Ursa grew up, she would puppy bow at Cleo and Cleo would stalk over to the chair and Ursa would lay down, roll over, and squirm until she got her head under the chair (that's all that would fit) so they could play their game. It just about broke all of our hearts (human and feline) when we lost Ursa. It took Blacky about a month before she apparently decided that Rose was worthy of playing with. It could be because Rose is so tiny. I mean at 6 wks Ursa was about the size Rose is now at 8 mos! We don't have the pre-school chair any more. So when Rose first started inviting Cleo to play, Cleo would stalk over to one of the dining room chairs, jump up, and carefully drape her tail over the side. Rose never figured it out - probably because that tail was way out of reach at that time. So now Cleo just ignores Rose.
Christina Pellini
- 04:25 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1382 of 7931
it's been so long since I've seen the ocean...I guess I should Christi--my late great Rottie, Inga, had a fixation on Kleenex. Ate everything she could find in the trash. The more snot on it, the better of course. At least your little Pom can't stick her head in tall waste baskets and dig them out like my Ingie did.
W.W. Dimmitt
- 04:47 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1383 of 7931
To those who think, life is a comedy; to those who feel, life is a tragedy. And I thought the kleenex searching fixation was limited to our Chocolate Lab! Drives me to distraction. We've devised several dog proof receptacles for kleenex, but she always finds one somewhere. Then she sneezes and gags because it gets stuck in throat.Argggh!
Linda Hewitt
- 04:50 pm Pacific Time - Sep 10, 1999 - #1384 of 7931
The GOP is the tax, BORROW, and spend party. It's plain and simple. The GOP is lying to the American people and is trying to spend more than their own rules allow!!!! Let's make it a Democratic clean sweep in 2000. How old was Ursa when he died? Did he die of old age? I'm curious because I would like to get another Keeshound but Tubby, my last one died at the age of 10 of auto-immune disease. This disease developed when hew was six years old and I don't know if it is genetic in this breed or not. Keeshounds are great dogs. They are happy, they love to play, they are not territorial at all and they are wonderful with other pets and children. Only two possible minuses and they are they shed a lot and they want to be wherever you are, just like my siamese cat does.
- 12:43 pm Pacific Time - Sep 11, 1999 - #1385 of 7931
like a larger, broader cow with a fringed dust ruffle Oh, Gypsy eats paper and Kleenex constantly. We can't leave old paper in the basket with the firewood because she steals it and tears it to shreds and, in the proces, moistens it beyond kindling utility.
- 01:06 pm Pacific Time - Sep 11, 1999 - #1386 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. Ursa was a she and we lost her when she was only two years old. I was transferred to another city and we had to stay in an apartment until we got a house. The apartment complex would not allow a dog as big as Ursa and I had no idea how long it would take to find a house as the market was pretty tight. So we found another home for her. We bought a house 8 months later and I contacted the people who have Ursa. She was settled in, adjusted and everyone (human and canine) attached to each other, so I left well enough alone and didn't tell my daughter. I just couldn't ask them to give up Ursa now that they loved her so and I couldn't uproot Ursa again as it was very hard on her the first time. However, that's the biggest reason my daughter wanted a Pom. She wanted a dog small enough that this wouldn't happen again if (God forbid!) I get transferred again.
- 01:08 pm Pacific Time - Sep 11, 1999 - #1387 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. I've never had to do that before and I swear I will never do it again. I simply had no choice. Five plants, including mine, closed down in a three month period. It was take the transfer or be unemployed. Either way we would have had to move as there certainly wouldn't have been another job for me in that area.
Jill F.
- 01:14 pm Pacific Time - Sep 11, 1999 - #1388 of 7931
ChristiPeters, You are obviously a dog lover...and your situation puts things into a different perspective for me. I was railing against what I perceived as people who were casual dog people, didn't know what they were getting into, and duhh, the landlord said no. Sorry...I didn't mean to offend you. But the website I was looking at is full of horrible sad stories...
- 01:27 pm Pacific Time - Sep 11, 1999 - #1389 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. Jill F. Gosh, you didn't offend me! I didn't take anything you said as applying to me as I am NOT a casual dog person. We didn't get Ursa until we had a house with a fenced yard for her as I think that is the best situation for a dog. WE lavishe love and attention on her. Kept up her shots and lfea/tick treatments, had her spayed as soon as she was old enough and taught her all the basic manners that make a good house dog. My daughter taught her some cute tricks, too. If I had been able to find an apartment complex that would let us keep her, we would have done so, and we would have done the extra work to make sure she had plenty of exercise. As it was, when I decided we had to give her up, I didn't dump her, but worked hard to find her a good home with kids to play with and a yard to run in. It was funny, because when people called in answer to my ad, after i told them about Ursa, I explained that I was just as concerned about her getting a good home as they were about getting a good dog and started asking them about themselves. You know, 4 out of 5 callers hung up at that point. It surprised me, as I would not have done that if I was the caller. Still, I figure anyone who hung up then didn't deserve Ursa.
Jill F.
- 01:31 pm Pacific Time - Sep 11, 1999 - #1390 of 7931
I have a kitty who is...difficult...and a great friend who will be my roommate on the condition that I get rid of billie. But it's the exact same situation. I am so concerned that I won't find the appropriate kitty owner that I don't even want to look for one. I kind of like my girl. She's come a long way in 3 1/2 years. Not my dream animal, but I love her anyway. I love that you kept in touch with Ursa's new owners. That is excellent.
Brett Kensington
- 08:53 pm Pacific Time - Sep 11, 1999 - #1391 of 7931
We moved to our current home three years ago. It was the first house we looked at, and I was madly unenthusiastic because there's no yard at all--not for my garden, my cats or my dog. But we ended up buying it because the price and location were irresistable. The cats have adjusted well to indoor life and it's really a relief to not worry about fleas, catfights, autos or baby rabbits. And I came to love walking Sara instead of just letting her out. I feel a real connection to and ownership of the neighborhood because I'm out in it every day; I've gotten to know my neighbors, something that wouldn't have happened otherwise. And Sara loves it, because she gets my attention and companionship and delicious smells. When we rescued a sharpei/hound mix I was very apprehensive about not having yard space for an even larger dog. But again, this made us better dog owners: we had to train and socialize Kai intensively to get a reasonably well-behaved house dog. We couldn't just shove her into the yard when things got frustrating. Today I sat in on a sociology class taught by a friend from the League of Women Voters. The topic was sustainability and community, and it made me realize how my dogs (and a small lot) had made me a better neighbor and citizen.
Danielle Duperre
- 08:25 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1392 of 7931
"I'm thinking the 'it's a guy thing' explanation works, if by 'guy thing' you mean 'inconceivable if you have a triple-digit IQ.'" - Laurel T. <lurker here only to find out what became of the Dogs in Elk> Ok, Anne, holiday weekend's over. Talk to us!
- 08:28 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1393 of 7931
I met Jim Allenspach through Table Talk in 1999, and we got married 5/18/02. Table Talk changed my life. Adios. (now AmyC at DWS) I got e-mail this morning from a woman who was looking for info on "Bernese Hound Dogs" (apparently she got my name off my website). She says she picked one up at the shelter, and wants to know how big it's going to get, whether it's good with kids, etc. I told her I've never heard of such a breed, but gave her the URL for a Bernese Mountain Dog page, just in case that's what she meant. I also gave her a polite little lecture on how she should have asked these questions before bringing a dog home, and that a dog is only as good as its training and all that. I'm just infuriated at this complete stranger for bringing this dog home to her kids before she knew anything about it. I can almost bet once she finds out how big it's going to get, it'll end up back at the shelter. I hate people sometimes. Anne -- how's the elk situation? Renee -- did you get that fax?
Linda Hewitt
- 09:34 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1394 of 7931
The GOP is the tax, BORROW, and spend party. It's plain and simple. The GOP is lying to the American people and is trying to spend more than their own rules allow!!!! Let's make it a Democratic clean sweep in 2000. The world is waiting Anne to hear the latest on Dogs 'N Elk.
Anne V
- 09:37 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1395 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks So what we did was put the ribcages (containing dogs) on tarps and drag them around to the side yard, where I figured they would at least be harder to see, and then opened my bedroom window so that the dogs could let me know when they were ready to be plunged into a de-elking solution and let in the house. Then I went to the airport. Came home, no visible elk, no visible dogs. Peeked around the shrubs, and there they were, still in the elk. By this time, they had gnawed out some little portholes between some of the ribs, and you got the occasional very frightening glimpse of something moving around in there if you watched long enough. After a lot of agonizing, I went to bed. I closed the back door, made sure my window was open, talked to the dogs out of it until I was sure they knew it was open, and then I fell asleep. Sometimes, sleep is a mistake, no matter how tired you are. And especially if you are very very tired, and some of your dogs are outside, inside some elks. Because when you are that tired, you sleep through bumping kind of noises, or you kind of think that it's just the house guests. It was't the house guests. It was my dogs, having an attack of teamwork unprecedented in our domestic history. When I finally woke all the way up, it was to a horrible vision. Somehow, 3 dogs with a combined weight of about 90 pounds, managed to hoist one of the ribcages (the meatier one, of course) up 3 feet to rest on top of the swamp cooler outside the window, and push out the screen. What woke me was Gus Pong, howling in frustration from inside the ribcage, very close to my head, combined with feverish little grunts from Jake, who was standing on the nightstand, bracing himself against the curtains with remarkably bloody little feet. Here are some things I have learned, this Rosh Hashanah weekend: 1. almond milk removes elk blood from curtains and pillowcases, 2. We can all exercise superhuman strength when it comes to getting elk carcasses out of our yard, 3. The sight of elk ribcages hurtling over the fence really frightens the nice deputy sheriff who lives across the street, and 4. the dogs can pop the screens out of the windows, without damaging them, from either side.
- 09:42 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1397 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. ROTFLMAO Annie, you should write a book of your dog-adventures! I know it probably wasn't funny to live through and, really, you have my sympathies, but it is hilarious reading!
Walter Koehler
- 09:46 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1398 of 7931
I read that drinking is bad for you, so I gave up reading. Sorry to interrupt Anne's saga -- I'm just infuriated at this complete stranger for bringing this dog home to her kids before she knew anything about it. I can almost bet once she finds out how big it's going to get, it'll end up back at the shelter.The breeder we got our Newfoundlands from told me he'd had people return dogs to him because they got too big. Duh! Or that they drooled. Did you ever look at a picture of a Newf before you shelled out your money?
- 10:13 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1399 of 7931
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. Never underestimate a human being's capacity for stupidity.
- 10:53 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1400 of 7931
I met Jim Allenspach through Table Talk in 1999, and we got married 5/18/02. Table Talk changed my life. Adios. (now AmyC at DWS) Oh, Anne! What a way to ring in the new year! If you ever want to expose the Gus Pong Adventures to a wider audience, I will give you free space on my web site ( -- but don't look yet! I'm almost done with the new redesign!). You could put in pictures and sound files and all manner of nifty things! The world needs Gus Pong! WRZ - FILE SEPARATION MARKER
Anne V
- 10:58 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1401 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks What I am is really grateful that they didn't actually get the damn thing in the window, which is clearly the direction they were going in. And that the nice deputy didn't arrest me for terrifying her with elk parts before dawn.
- 10:59 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1402 of 7931
I met Jim Allenspach through Table Talk in 1999, and we got married 5/18/02. Table Talk changed my life. Adios. (now AmyC at DWS) Imagine waking up with a gnawed elk carcass in your bed, like a real-life "Godfather" with an all-dog cast.
Anne V
- 11:01 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1403 of 7931
my freaks have more endurance than your freaks There is not enough almond milk in the world to solve an event of that kind.
Linda Hewitt
- 11:09 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1404 of 7931
The GOP is the tax, BORROW, and spend party. It's plain and simple. The GOP is lying to the American people and is trying to spend more than their own rules allow!!!! Let's make it a Democratic clean sweep in 2000. Well, your dogs needed to find a safe place to store their elk, so that neighboring animals would not try to join the feast.... What a sight that must have been. My very first calico cat, Martha, had a habit of coming down the chimmey when she wanted in the house. One night she came down the chimmey carrying something in her mouth and she headed straight for the master bedroom. When I saw her, "I said, tell me that's not what I think it is?" It was what I thought it was, a dead field mouse. At other times, a big unfriendly tom cat followed her down the chimmey. She got mad at him for doing that. Another time, I was getting luggage out of the attic and didn't know that she had climbed the pull down stairs as well. So I went to the airport, came home and started hearing meows, meows. I checked all of the cabinets in the kitchen and the den and no Martha. Then I remembered the last thing that I did before I left and I went and checked the attic. Well, the little darling had crawled down inside the wall between the den and the kitchen. This just happened to be the wall with all the pipes. The panelings in the den was beautiful solid wood paneling but we cut a hole in it, smeared tunafish on the hand and out came Martha. Our pets are wonderful and they can also be terrifically inventive, leaving us breathless .... literally.
- 11:44 am Pacific Time - Sep 13, 1999 - #1405 of 7931
nothing good will come of a headful of acid in a bar full of clowns Anne: *hawl* I am trying to imagine the conversation you had with your sheriff/neighbor. thank you. *giggle* and I had that _godfather_ thought also. Books | Family Life | Gadgets | Health and Science | Home and Away | House and Garden | Imagination | Issues and News | Mind and Spirit | Movies | Music and Performing Arts | Politics | Private Life | Sports | Television | TT Central | Welcome | White House | Work Life Salon Cover | Table Talk | Salon Premium | Gear | Salon Personals | The WELL |